Thursday, August 11, 2011

South Beach minus the beach.

Paying attention to what you are consuming is not a walk in the park. Nor is it a trip to the beach or any other euphemism for dietary restrictions. But for a 'diet,' the South Beach eating program, designed by Dr. Arthur Agatston - a cardiologist in Florida, is as close to a pleasant experience as you can expect.

After reading his first book, The South Beach Diet, from cover to cover - recipes included, I was surprised to discover the simple principles the plan was based on. He educates the reader on basics of nutrition including different types of fats and carbs, and how your body turns each food type into whatever it needs to function - fatty acids, glycogen, etc.

The Phase One portion of the program completely eliminates all carbs even the goods ones like corn, sweet potatoes, wild rice - all the ones your thought you could eat without restriction. Luckily, this is the most unpleasant part of the diet. Luckily, it only lasts at most two weeks. And luckily, it isn't all that unpleasant. Or so I am told from the handful of personal stories included among the chapters in the book.

I have been primarily eating according to the Phase Two portion of the program for two weeks now, after a blood sugar roller coaster crash last month. Although I feel a lot better, I will be trying out the Phase One plan beginning this Monday, but for only four days since I don't have any weight to lose anymore.

If you are hypoglycemic, have issues with blood sugar or hormones, pre-diabetic or call yourself a carbaholic, you might want to investigate this simple, healthy, easy program.

I know I will miss my carbs for the upcoming four days I have planned for Phase One. But I am encouraged after reading about Phase Three, which I call the Life Phase. It includes one of the simplest understandings of proper nutrition and offers an incredibly easy-to-follow set of guidelines that I have ever come across. And trust me, as an avid reader and novice of the fundamentals of nutrition, food-allergies and weight loss, I have come across a lot.

Check it out:

The South Beach Diet

Tools and Support - The South Beach Diet online

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